Juspay Payment Page : Solving your end-to-end Payment Management Problems
Juspay Payment Page is a fully managed native and adaptive payments page which can seamlessly blend with any app across any platform. It makes available the diverse payment options across all platforms and is designed for the best payment experience for end users.
Truly owning and solving all aspects of online payments requires deep Product Innovation from a User Experience and Technology standpoint and a unifying Systems Approach. With this objective, Juspay Payment Page intends to solve the two most important payment management problems for online businesses
- A confusing payment experience for users, and
- An exponentially complex system to integrate and manage for merchants
Payment Management Pain Points for online businesses
- Payments is complex system with over 100+ payment processors to integrate and manage
- Payment page changes are tightly coupled with app releases which makes changes extremely slow and expensive
- Growing diversity of payment methods leads to confusing payment experiences and decreasing conversion rates for end users
A Unique Technology powering Payment Page
Juspay Payment Page is a comprehensive solution to solve payments management pain points for online businesses. The technology powering payment page is unique from four standpoints:
Control and Configurability
The Payment page can blend seamlessly with your app/website’s branding guidelines. This is made possible by 100+ configurations supported by the Payment page which is tailored to suit your branding and business needs. Such configurations are modifiable with a few clicks on the Juspay Dashboard.
To address your branding needs — The Juspay payment page will be able to change its layout and theme to blend seamlessly with your app. This will be a 100% native experience for the end user.
To address your business needs — This includes product configurations to control the payment methods displayed on payment page, re-ordering payment methods, promoting specific payment methods delivering best success rate or lowest processing cost and more.
Juspay payment page is built with a key focus on dynamism. This is primarily to reduce the iterations and number of app releases required to manage payment experience and payment integrations for your customers.
Any configuration changes (be it styling or product configuration) and new feature releases could be delivered as over-the-air updates to the end user. This will significantly reduce the number of app releases required from a payments standpoint.
Performance Visibility and Insights
Our Payment page analytics dashboard will help you to analyse and understand payment success rates, dropout rate, payment session duration, dropout reasons and many more metrics across a wide range of dimensions.
Cross platform
Worried about managing payments across multiple platforms, logos, line of businesses? — Juspay Payment Page is a cross-platform solution which can work on Android/iOS/Web, with a unified integration architecture. Hence, our solution will enable your business to easily integrate and manage the solution across platforms and lines of businesses.
Enhancing success rates and payment experience
Quick Pay enables users to complete their payment faster by clearly laying out the frequently used option with the context of a shopping cart in the background. It helps to reduce cognitive load on the user and hence better success rates.
Based on our observations, 80% of users habitually stick to a single payment option and we have observed the Payment Success Rates on QuickPay user journey to be 1.2x times better than the standard payment flow. Hence a better payment experience for you loyal users.
Native OTP
Why redirect the user to a bank page for entering OTP, when it is possible to collect OTP on your app?
Redirections are expensive and will reduce your conversion rates. Juspay Payment page powers a Native OTP user journey which delivers 2–4% increase in conversion rates (compared with 3DS authentication flows) on App and upto 10% increase in conversion rates on Web.
One-click payment experience
Tired of compensating the friction and delay on the OTP authentication step of transactions ?
Our VISA Safe Click solution is a network authentication based solution that enables repeat users to pay with a single click for transactions less than INR 2000. This transaction not only takes less than 1/3rd of the time a regular 3DS transaction would take, but also sees repeat success rates of 90% and above.
Juspay works closely with card networks and banking partners to build more such one-click payment experience for online businesses.
Wish to understand more details? Please feel free to reach out to us at biz@juspay.in or visit our website.